Empower U Community Health Center accepts accepts most major insurance plans. As a federally-qualified community health center, we will see anyone regardless of their ability to pay. We have trained staff that can help you get affordable and comprehensive health insurance coverage. More people than ever before are eligible for health coverage. Call our staff at 786-318-2337 to figure out if you qualify. If you are not eligible for health coverage, there is a sliding fee scale discount program based on your income level. Empower U will offer a sliding fee discount to all who are unable to pay for services. For more information on the sliding fee scale discount program, contact us for more information as well.
You are also entitled to a Good Faith Estimate. A Good Faith Estimate is a new rule that applies to medical providers to help patients and clients make informed decisions by clearly understanding the anticipated cost of care. Under the law, healthcare providers, including therapists and other mental health practitioners, must give patients who don’t have insurance or are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.
If you have questions, please call our Billing Department at 786-318-2337. If you’re a current patient and unsure if your insurance is active, please call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card. Our receptionists regularly check your eligibility before every visit.